A local occupational health Nurse will visit the College site every fortnight and on each visit will present a topic such as noise induced hearing loss, skin cancer prevention, first aid awareness, and also conduct pre-booked appointments and drop-in sessions for private consultations, and general health screenings including hypertension management (blood pressure), diabetic testing and management of blood sugar.

The man responsible for the decision is Ivan Gethin, who has just been appointed by contractors HBG Midlands as the Project Manager to deliver Newcastle under Lyme College. Ivan, who started out in construction as an engineer, said,

‘HBG is the market leader in education and we are going to deliver a fabulous building for the people of Newcastle under Lyme to enjoy for years to come. The building has strong environmental credentials and state-of-the-art education facilities and I am looking forward to engaging the local students, some of whom study construction. It’s a great opportunity to showcase how modern construction works with the whole community. Part of that is looking after your employees and visitors responsibly.'

Ivan, who lives in Shrewsbury, will oversee the £52 million project, which started on site this month, and is expected to complete in September 2009. Ivan will manage HBG’s team made up of site management, a design team, planners and surveyors. The project will have several teams of specialist sub-contractors and at its peak there will be around 200 people working on site. There will be at least two local contractors on site. Ivan will also manage HBG's community activities and its relationship with the College.

Ivan previously managed the development of Archbishop Grimshaw School in Solihull, which will soon be one of the first schools to complete in the national Building Schools for the Future programme. That project achieved one of the UK’s highest ever scores for being considerate in its construction.

HBG Midlands recently recorded record turnover of £116 million for 2007 and the company was confirmed by trade publication Construction News as the country's leading contractor in education projects. HBG Midlands’ work on Matthew Boulton College in Birmingham helped the College win the RIBA’s Innovation by Design award in the colleges sector, and HBG is close to completing the highly regarded Joseph Chamberlain College, also in Birmingham. All of its sites are registered with the Considerate Contractors Scheme which independently inspects how sites are managed.